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Abstract image of an Individual in therapy for Better Relationships Therapy website

Individual Therapy

For a present, connected and authentic self...


Our sessions will help you to understand the roots of your feelings, thinking styles, expectations of self and others, and how to develop healthy, secure relationships and fulfil your aspirations.

What is Individual Therapy?


Individual sessions are informed by Systemic, Attachment and Interpersonal models. I offer a safe containing space for you to explore and understand what you're experiencing, identify your needs and guide you towards fulfilling your aspirations in living a satisfying relationship with yourself, others and the world around you.  


Individuals often seek guidance and support following a difficult and stressful event such the end of a relationship or a significant change in their lives; not being able to build or maintaining satisfying intimate relationships and friendships; feeling lonely and isolated; preoccupied and overwhelmed by unhelpful family dynamics; to regain a sense of control over their thoughts and emotions.


The therapeutic work guides you in gaining awareness of how beliefs and narratives you hold about current and past events, yourself and others, are led by unmet childhood needs and how the neuropsychology of your childhood impacts on your choices and relationships. We will explore the emotional, relational and physiological meaning of how generational family roles, rules, ways of communicating and regulating emotionally impact on current beliefs and behaviours; the messages you have learnt growing up about expectations in relationships, intimate bonds,  gendered stories, education and work career, cultural values, sexuality, identity, boundaries setting.


The way you will start to experience positive change will vary depending on what you have experienced in your life. I will guide you to develop mind and body consciousness, understand your automatic thoughts and nervous system responses, become confident in meeting your needs from an internal heathy emotional regulation model, towards co-regulating safely and effectively with the world around you. 


Through this process you will regain a secure and confident sense of agency in how to live your life with content and find the right fit of expression of needs in your intimate and wider relationships for more connecting and satisfying encounters.

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